Advice for Brothers and Sisters who have been injured by fire accident.Advice for Brothers and Sisters who have been injured by fire accident.

Advice for Brothers and Sisters በመርካቶው ቃጠሎ ጉዳት ለደረሰባችሁ ወገኖች ሁሉ። ከምንም በፊት ሶብር አድርጉ። አላህ ሰጠ። አላህ ነሳ። ሙስሊም በደስታውም በሀዘኑም ጌታውን ያስባል። ጌታችን እንዲህ ይላል፦ { وَلَنَبۡلُوَنَّكُم بِشَیۡءࣲ

من هم القرآنييون ؟من هم القرآنييون ؟

من هم القرآنييون ؟ مثلما تقدَّم، ليسوا قرآنيين، ولكنَّهم كذَّابون، أعداء للقرآن؛ لأنَّ القرآن أمر بالسنة، وأمر بطاعة الرسول ﷺ، ومَن أنكر السنة فقد أنكر القرآن، ومَن عصى الرسول فقد عصى

PhD and MSc Positions in Insect Ecology, Conservation and Biodiversity at Illinois State UniversityPhD and MSc Positions in Insect Ecology, Conservation and Biodiversity at Illinois State University

PhD and MSc Positions in Insect Ecology, Conservation and Biodiversity at Illinois State University PhD and MSc Positions in Insect Ecology, Conservation, and Biodiversity at Illinois State University; Illinois State